Hammer Toe

This is a condition in which toes are bent in a claw like position. The condition is usually caused by  a  muscle  imbalance  due  to a  pathological  foot  type such  as flat  feet  or arthritis. The deformity can make normal shoe wear painful when the toes come in contact with the top of the shoe causing corns on top of the toes. Surgical correction of a hammertoe is considered after conservative care has failed.

Traditional hammertoe surgery is considered painful, requiring wire placement into the bone to maintain the corrected position. However, I use an advanced minimally invasive arthroplasty to permanently and painlessly correct this deformity.

The procedure by anesthetizing the toe using a “needle free” transdermal injector. A small incision is made approximately 7/8 cm in size into the top of the joint in order to lengthen the contracted tendons. Then through the same incision a special drill is used to make a tiny cut across the head of the affected toe, allowing the stiff contracted joint to be realigned and straightened. The incision is then closed with one suture. The patient is able to walk immediately and return to normal shoewear in approximately 2 weeks.

The price for the procedure including all post operative visits is $300.00  

Say goodbye to ugly, painful toes for good make an appointment today!