Ingrown Nail Clinic

Ingrown toenails occur when the skin on the side of a toenail grows over the edge of the nail or when the nail grows into the skin. They can be very painful and lead to serious infections if not treated.

Common causes of ingrown toenails are improper trimming, tight shoes, trauma or a hereditary malformation of the nail. Chronic ingrown nails can represent a disability for someone who has to work on their feet. The challenge for most people is that they don’t have the time to be off their feet recovering from nail surgery. 


Lunch Time Nail Surgery

The name “Lunch Time Nail Surgery” came from one of my patients as she described my ingrown nail surgical technique and frankly, it stuck. Obviously, it can be performed any time of the day, however it is so simple and quick to perform, you have enough time to have this procedure done during lunchtime.

A “needle- free” transdermal injector used to numb the affected toe. The ingrown portion of the nail is removed and the matrix of the affected border (the tissue where the nail grows from) is removed non-traumatically.  Leaving the rest of the nail intact. 

The cost for the procedure is only $200.00

The procedure takes approximately 15 minutes.  Patients leave the treatment room wearing their own shoes. There is no postoperative pain since no toe tourniquet or chemical burn of the matrix is used (as is done in regular nail surgery). Patients return to normal activities in a couple of days. 

The cost for this revolutionary procedure is only $200.00

Stop suffering from ingrown nail pain once and for all, make an appointment!