Morton’s neuroma occurs when one of the nerves on the bottom of the foot becomes “pinched” between two adjacent metatarsal heads. Fibrous tissue builds up around the nerve, forming an enlarged mass. The most common area affected is between the 3rd and 4th metatarsal heads. Symptoms generally consist of sharp burning pain on the bottom of the end of the foot radiating into the two adjacent toes. An in depth clinical examination is required to make the diagnosis.
Conservative treatment consists of steroid injections, orthotics and physical therapy.
Surgical excision of the lesion is the common procedure used if conservative treatments fail. Traditional neuroma surgery involves the excision of the neuroma, along with a section of the nerve’s branches. The result is permanent numbness of the involved area. Since a space is created after the surgery, a drain has to be placed for a couple weeks. Thus recovery can be long and painful.

Surgical correction of this condition is more likely. Since it doesn’t respond to conservative treatment in approximately 80% of the time.
I perform an advanced minimally invasive neuroma “decompression” procedure. This procedure doesn’t require excision of the nerve or placement of a drain. The area in between the affected metatarsal heads is anesthetized with a little local anesthetic using a painless needle free transdermal injector. One tiny 7/8 cm incision is made on the top of the intermetarsal area. Using a sonogram for guidance. A specially designed instrument is placed through the incision and used to make a cut across the intermetatarsal ligament, freeing the metatarsal heads .This ligament is responsible for the compression of the nerve, by the two intermetarsal heads. By eliminating the cause of the compression the pain of the neuroma is gone. One stitch is used to close the incision.
The procedure is painless and there is no permanent numbness to the area. Recovery time is usually one week.
The cost for this procedure including all postoperative care is $225.00.
Put out the fire in your feet today! Make an appointment today!